Thursday 10 May 2012

Budget will be continuity of failed economic policies: Former mili leaders


Gilani has no moral authority to remain in office: PESA
Budget will be continuity of failed economic policies: Former mili leaders
Ex-servicemen says NATO supply route reopening only for troops withdrawal
MFN against Pakistan’s economic, national security interests
India to gain nothing from toughened Siachen stance
Rawalpindi: [May 08]
The Pakistan Ex-Servicemen Association (PESA) on Tuesday asked the government to stop maligning the Supreme Court after 77-page detailed verdict against Prime Minister.
The government invited this judgment by its persistent refusal to write a letter to Swiss authorities to reopen graft cases against President Asif Ali Zardari, it said.
This was observed in a meeting of PESA Executive Council, attended by Vice Admiral Ahmad Tasnim, Air Marshal Masood Akhtar, Lt Gen Naeem Akbar, former ambassador Salim Nawaz Gandapur, Brig Mian Mahmud, Brig Syed Masud ul Hassan and others.
They said that interpretation of the law is the exclusive domain of the judiciary while government’s efforts to ridicule the judiciary expose hollowness of its claims about democracy, rule of law, respect for judiciary and upholding the Constitution.
Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani has lost moral grounds to stay in the office after conviction, they said adding that policy of confrontation will help government present a budget which will be extension of failed economic policies to compound miseries of masses.
The meeting expressed grave concern over the deteriorating situation of law and demanded steps to eliminate powerful political forces fuelling the lawlessness.
PESA suggested that gas should be immediately imported from Iran.
NATO supply route should be reopened for sole purpose of troop withdrawal from Afghanistan, they said adding that mere apology on Salala checkpost attack will not be enough.
Those who say suspension of NATO supplies is violation international law should also state the legality of frequent violation of Pakistan’s land and airspace, drone attacks, threats to isolate Pakistan and media trial.
Government was asked to revisit its role in the so-called war on terror, foreign, defence and counter-terror policies which must be based on well-defined vital national interests.
Expressing serious concerns over the implications of Most Favoured Nation status to India, they said that it is detrimental to our economy and national security. Government should ensure that this facility is not misused to transport NATO/ISAF supplies from India to Afghanistan through Pakistan.
The meeting expressed astonishment over New Delhi’s toughened stance on Siachen following some flexibility shown by Islamabad.
Prays were offered for gallant soldiers and civilians trapped under the avalanche in Giari sector and tireless efforts of troops busy in rescue operations were appreciated.
Members expressed sincere thanks to Air Marshal Asghar Khan (Retd) to become Patron-in-Chief of PESA.
General Secretary: Brig. Syed Masud ul Hassan, 29, Khurshid Alam Road,West Ridge, Rawalpindi. Phone: 0321-5176050
Patron in Chief: Air Marshal Asghar Khan, Patron:  Air Chief Marshal Kaleem Saadat,
President: Lt. Gen Ali Kuli Khan, SVP:  Admiral Ahmad Tasnim.


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