Wednesday 22 August 2012


Burma's Rohingya Muslims
Is it not our duty to stand up and protest against the sufferings of Myanmar Muslims?

Just go through the facts listed below you will get the answer to the above question.
  • As of 2012, 800,000 Muslims (Rohingyas) live in Myanmar (Burma) and the government considers them as resident foreigners.

  • As per the United Nations they are the most victimized minorities of the world.

  • According to Amnesty International, the Rohingyas have long suffered from human rights violations and as a result, scores of them immigrated to neighbouring countries for better living conditions.

  • Currently 300,000 Rohingyas live in Bangladesh and 24,000 in Malaysia and 111,000 of them live in the Thai-Myanmar border.

  • The Human Rights Watch considers the denial of the right of citizenship by Government is the most important problem faced by the Rohingyas. Due this they are subject to many abuses, including restrictions on their freedom of movement, discriminatory limitations on access to education and arbitrary confiscation of property.

  • According to the website of Arakan Rohingya National Organisation (ARNO), Rohingyas require government permission to marry; they are forbidden from having more than two children and are subjected to modern-day slavery through forced labour.

  • Recent Killing (between 10 to 28 June 2012) - “According to a group of UK-based NGOs, more than 650 Rohingya Muslims were killed, 1,200 went missing and more than 80,000 were displaced as a result of rioting, arson and rape”.

  • The Burmese army and police were accused of playing a leading role in targeting the Rohingyas through mass arrests and arbitrary violence.

  • In a blatant act of censorship, the Western mainstream media have also stayed away from the massacre of Rohingyas, which clearly shows their duplicitous attitude toward the concept of human rights.

Above listed facts clearly answers that the Rohingya Muslims of Myanmar are undergoing intolerable hardships they are living under extremely appalling circumstances. The dictatorial government of Myanmar has deliberately neglected their ordeal and the international community is overlooking their suffering.

We Muslims, apart from praying for them should force international community through mails to pay due attention towards Rohingyas sufferings.
Send as many emails as you can to the following organizations/Personalities.


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