Wednesday 19 September 2012

UN team to make case against Pakistan


UN team to make case against Pakistan
Move to trigger insurgency in Balochistan
Report to pave way for UNSC resolution supporting terrorists

Dated: September 12
The Punjab Forum on Wednesday said the arrival of United Nations working group on enforced or involuntary disappearances to evaluate the case of missing persons is a conspiracy to dismember Pakistan.

This is a plot to defame security forces, make case against FC and ISI, increase international pressure on country, support Indian propaganda against Pakistan, and to boost stance of terrorists in Balochistan, it said.

Actually, the hidden agenda of UN team is to make a case against Pakistan, trigger insurgency in Balochistan and pave way for UNSC resolution supporting terrorists, said Baig Raj, President Punjab Forum while speaking at a hurriedly called meeting.   

He said that the UN team has arrived to internationalise Balochistan issue but the government is trying to deceive people by saying that the scope of UN probe is stretched across the country.

He said that our foreign ministry is serving purpose of foreigners which must be asked as to who took the decision to allow UN team to visit Pakistan and what are the motives behind granting permission.

Spy agencies should launch a probe to uncover the perpetrators of the conspiracy and courts should award exemplary punishments to the traitors, he demanded.

Baig Raj said that UN Commission on Human Rights is nothing but a US foreign policy tool which has remained unconcerned about atrocities against Muslims in India, Burma, Palestine, Iraq and Afghanistan.

The UN team should also probe ferrari camps, terrorist training camps in Afghanistan, meet the heirs of thousands of settlers killed in Balochistan and those killed in drone attacks, he demanded.

He said that a Special Parliamentary Committee on missing persons was formed in May while a Judicial Commission headed Justice (Retd) Javed Iqbal is working on the issue.

The CJP is holding a number of hearings in Quetta on the issue; therefore there was no need for a UN working group which is interference in the internal matters of Pakistan.

The Commission is here on the behest of vested interests of foreign powers and some local leaders who would try to influence the investigations and outcome which will add to the propaganda against Pakistan.

Baig Raj said that hearing on Balochistan in the US House of Representatives and tabling of a resolution seeking right of self-determination for people of Balochistan avoided the fact remains that only two tribes in Balochistan are involved in insurgency while rest of Baloch people are patriot.

He said why the world becomes uneasy when noose is tightened against terrorists who want to dismember Pakistan.

UN team should also divulge names of 26 countries fuelling insurgency in Pakistan, he said.

Baig Raj
President, Punjab Forum
(For political & economic rights of Punjab)


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