Tuesday 26 February 2013

PR--APCNGA questions ban on use of generators by CNG outlets

*APCNGA questions ban on use of generators by CNG outlets*
*800 CNG stations remained closed during power failure*
*Govt’s policy depriving masses of inexpensive fuel*

*Dated Feb 25*
The All Pakistan CNG Association (APCNGA) on Monday criticised the policy of government for barring CNG filling stations from using diesel generators to run business during electricity loadshedding.

Ghiyas Abdullah Paracha, Chairman Supreme Council APCNGA demanded immediate reversal of the policy which is only adding to the miseries of masses which are already stressed due to much criticised gas loadshedding schedule and unjust distribution of the hydrocarbon resources.

The policy of discouraging CNG owners from running business during loadshedding is not according to the ground realities as no area in Pakistan is immune to the power loadshedding which leaves many without CNG during operational days, he said

Ghiyas Paracha said that one of the worst power breakdowns that left over half of the country in darkness and stopped production in most of the country also took toll on the CNG business.

800 CNG outlets out of 1200 in Region I including Faisalabad, Bhawalpur, and Potohar remained closed due to the failure of the power network, he informed.

He said that closure of 800 stations resulted in additional burden on operational CNG filling stations resulting in longer lines of cars, cabs, and public transport vehicles.

A country having largest user base of CNG in the world, with highest number of CNG stations and almost two-thirds of all cars and small commercial vehicles using this fuel deserve a better treatment, the leader of CNG sector said.

Paracha said that masses faced problems in getting their vehicles refilled with economical fuel as CNG stations have been barred by the government to use diesel generators during power loadshedding.

He said that most of the policies for CNG sector framed by politicians and bureaucracy who remain unconcerned with plight of masses have negative implications.


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