Wednesday 17 April 2013

Iran gas can only reduce natural gas demand-supply gap


Political parties misguiding masses on energy issue: Punjab Forum
Iran gas can only reduce natural gas demand-supply gap
Ending crisis need mega hydel projects: Baig Raj

Dated: April 17
The Punjab Forum on Wednesday said political parties are misguiding masses on the issue of energy crisis as none has the will and capability to resolve the issue which has compromised the economic growth and left millions jobless.

All the political parties have been using popular issue of the energy scarcity without including Kalabagh dam (KBD) in their manifesto which amounts to deceiving masses for the sake of votes, said Baig Raj, President Punjab Forum.

Contrary to the common notion, gas from Iran or Turkmenistan will not resolve the energy crisis but reduce gas deficit to some extent, he said.

The fact remains that energy crisis can only be resolved through construction of mega dams for which KBD is the best site in Pakistan that is also supported by all the international lenders, he said.

Baig Raj criticised former president Musharraf for promising construction of KBD saying that former dictator exploited Pakistanis twice on the issue without moving an inch in the right direction.

He said that Punjab was deprived of its just share in energy distribution during the last five years which has crippled the industry and led to record unemployment.

The former government made Punjab to brave 83 per cent of the national power deficit while gas shortfall was intentionally pushed up by 500 per cent.

The 18th Amendment is contrary to the national interests, which gives gas producing province priority over other provinces irrespective of the ground realities like consumption, taxes, industrialisation and share in the national GDP, he added.

Baig Raj said that reduction of gas to Punjab badly affected the generation capacity of state-run power plants and IPPs which dipped power generation by 14 per cent.

Industries and CNG stations remained closed in Punjab while other provinces enjoyed better supply of natural gas whereas provincial government failed to safeguard the interests of the people of Punjab.

All the parliamentarians from the PML-N voted unanimously to pass the 18th amendment which makes them equally responsible for playing havoc with the province.

Industry in Punjab was forced to shut down for nearly 170 days a year while textile sector is still operating at only 60 per cent of the capacity resulting in loss of millions of jobs.

PPP-led coalition continued to strangulate Punjab while the provincial government failed to generate a single megawatt of electricity in last five years which is criminal, said Baig Raj.

Politicians are pushing country into Stone Age by promising resolution of energy crisis without dams vital for Pakistan’s survival, he said.


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