Thursday 25 July 2013

Dysfunctional education system a threat to society, economy

Effective education core to Pakistan’s prosperous future
Call to revive primary education system for national development

Islamabad: (July 25)

Pakistan’s education system which has become dysfunctional due to decades of neglect pose a serious threat to the society and economy unless improved on war footing, an educationist said Thursday.

Pakistan is among top illiterate countries, every tenth illiterate child in the world is Pakistani while country holds second position on the global ranking of out-of-school children, said Dr Naeem Ghani, Chairman Sultana Foundation.

Speaking at a seminar, he said that lack commitment on the part of policymakers has left 25 million children without schools while their number will swell to 50 million in fifteen years with disastrous social and economic consequences.

He said that around 23 per cent of school-age children are deprived of education while 17.6 per cent of them are actively engaged in the child labour.

Dr Naeem Ghani said that too much focus on higher education is taking tool on primary education as thousands of schools are without building, boundary walls, and other facilities.

Schooling of the girl child is extremely important as no education policy can work without gender balance which is yet to be taken seriously, he said.

Apathy on the part of authorities is responsible for declining quality of education which can be reversed through fresh investments in this sector which is core to Pakistan’s development.

He noted that our education system does not provide for a substantial percentage of students to move beyond the primary level.

Pakistan is still a long way from achieving universal primary enrolment which should be taken seriously, he underlined.


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