Friday 3 May 2013

The United Nations re-affirms its commitment to safeguard the freedom of expression and press freedom.


The United Nations re-affirms its commitment to safeguard the freedom of expression and press freedom.

Islamabad, 3 May 2013: The United Nations in Pakistan today commemorates the 20th anniversary of the World Press Freedom Day (WPFD) in 2013.

Freedom of expression, enshrined in Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, is essential for empowering individuals and building free and democratic societies. A fundamental right on its own, freedom of expression also provides the conditions for protecting and promoting all other human rights.

Within the overall context of press freedom, WPFD 2013 aims to rally international action to protect the safety of every journalist in every country and to break the vicious circle of impunity and to focus on the theme of “Safe to Speak: Securing Freedom of Expression in All Media” and puts the spotlight in particular on the issues of safety of journalists, combating impunity for crimes against freedom of expression, and securing a free and open Internet as the precondition for safety online.

Director UNESCO, Ms. Kozue Kay Nagata in her opening remarks, at a seminar held by the United Nations today appreciated the professionalism of the journalists in Pakistan, who are working in extremely challenging situations. She said that “we support this Day to emphasize the importance of freedom of expression and free flow of diversified opinions because Media – old and new, print or broadcasting, text-based or visual - have an increasingly important power to boost dynamic and positive change, positive social transformation in the country”.

Mr. Timo Pakkala, UN Resident Coordinator said “”the UN system is strongly committed to coordinating action, raising awareness and supporting Pakistan in upholding international principles and developing legislation for freedom of expression and information.”

“We work closely with all member states of the United Nations and their citizens to strengthen safeguards for freedom of expression and press freedom.”” he added.

One major development in this international co-operation on press freedom is the UN Plan of Action on the Safety of Journalists and the Issue of Impunity, which was endorsed last year by the chief executives of all component UN bodies. Securing the safety of journalists continues to be a challenge due to an upward trend in the killings of journalists, media workers, and social media producers.

The Additional Secretary of the Federal Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Mr Muhammad Azam  in his key note address at the preliminary session of the event said “Threats to press freedom is a global issue, however it differ from region to region. In the last decade, wave of terrorism and war on terror, however has adversely effected the peace and security situation in Pakistan. Media has also become victim of this terrorism. The government of Pakistan is committed to promote and protect press freedom in the country”. He ensured that the international standards for safety of journalists and combating impunity are respected and adopted in the country context.

In the second round of the event renowned panelists; Mr. Hamid Mir, Mr. Mohammad Ziauddin  Mr. Murtaza Solangi from media and Mr. Muhammad Azam , Additional Secretary M/o Information and Broadcasting  took part in a panel discussion on the theme of the Day. Participants of the event, university students from the departments of Mass Communication and Journalism exchange their views with the panelists on current challenges of press freedom and safety of the journalists faced by the media in Pakistan.

Ms. Nagata, Representative of UNESCO in her thanking and concluding note appreciated the Pakistani media for its decades’ long struggle for the press freedom and playing an active and powerful role in promoting and strengthening the fundamental human right of press freedom in the country.


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