Tuesday 21 May 2013

APCNGA rejects 6-day gas suspension plan


APCNGA rejects 6-day gas suspension plan
Caretaker minister petroleum taking unmerited decisions, move to increase problems for masses, business community
All gas consuming sectors should be dealt justly, we don’t have alternative, cannot close business for six days: Ghiyas Paracha

Dated May 21
The All Pakistan CNG Association (APCNGA) on Tuesday rejected the plan of ministry of petroleum and natural resources to suspend gas supply to CNG outlets for six days under the garb of maintenance of plants at Qadirpur gasfiled.

The decision to bar CNG outlets from business from May 21 to May 27 will take toll on masses and businesses therefore this decision cannot be accepted, said Ghiyas Abdullah Paracha, Chairman Supreme Council APCNGA.

In a statement issued here today, he said that the decision of the caretaker minister petroleum is based on enmity with masses and corruption. Why the maintenance wasn’t carried out during normal weather and initiated now when people are dying of heat.

He said that closing supply from the gasfield will result in a shortfall of 400 mmcfd which should have been distributed on merit among the gas consuming sectors but CNG and power sectors have been chosen while the influential sectors including captive power plants have been spared.

He said that CNG sector which was already facing wrath of the policy makers will be unable to bear the brunt of decision as it has no other alternative like other sectors.

He said that caretaker government will be responsible for loss to masses and business community as it is behind the controversial decision.

The leader of the CNG sector said that petroleum ministry has been trespassing on the authority of Ogra which should be noticed by the incoming government.

He said that licence issued to CNG operators clearly indicate that any decision regarding gas supply will be taken with consensus but ministry has been taking unilateral decisions.

Ghiyas Paracha said that amendment in the priority list of gas consuming sectors by ECC in March was illegal which must be undone by the incoming government.


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