Wednesday 9 October 2013

Another Progressive Force - pakistan

Youth in any country plays a vital role in progress as its vital ingredient to take the country forward. But history reminds us that political parties have always used Youth to achieve their political targets but looking at the bigger picture, the role of youth in Pakistani politics have always been limited. Never has the true democracy been at the helm thanks to corrupt and substandard political infra-structure. Men with the big players have always dominated the political playground of Pakistani politics.

Main stream political parties includes Youth wing in their parties but they are just for the sake of name. They do not include these youth in decision making process and even party members don’t take any suggestion or opinion from them. They are not included in parties meetings and other functions as they are always left alone.
Same is the case with Left wing parties they also formulate youth wing but ironically I believe they do not know the real meaning of Youth or they are not familiar with the age that includes youth. Secondly the youth which is attached with these Left is studying in America and United Kingdom and they always talk or speech about working class of Pakistan and on other hand they impose capitalism as well.

I have no hesitancy while saying that youth rights have been deprived since the independence of Pakistan. Their socio-economic, civil, political, and cultural rights have been trampled by the government, military, and militants from the very moment Pakistan emerged on the world map.
The progressive young people of Pakistan have to take a responsibility to be involved with politics and with their civic duties. The youth must be involved in politics to ensure that Pakistan stays a country of freedom, and to combat the corruption in politics, they must also be involved with their civic duties in order to give back to their country and to leave a legacy of political and civic participation for generations to come.

Amid all the hypocrisy, the youth has always been used as political horses. Youth of Pakistan have to believe in themselves and also rise above party politics. The youth should not wait for governments to do everything for them or believe everything said by politicians. It is time to make the politicians answerable to the masses and it is time to take Pakistan to another level.
This brings the following questions to my mind that what is the youth’s role in politics? Is it really worth it for the youth to be involved in politics? How well represented are the youth in government? Are the youth getting a fair share of the cake?

In recent times, a hope arose in 2010 the shape of Progressive Youth Forum Pakistan (PYF). It created optimism, a fresh wave of breath. Young intellectuals from all over the Pakistan were given importance, and it seemed finally Pakistan is on the verge of reformations. PYF consist of 4,000 registered voters all across Pakistan.

Abdullah Dayo young social, political activist and spokesperson of Progressive Youth Forum says, “The objective of Progressive Youth Forum is to provide joint platform to rural and urban youth so that they can play their role and utilize their potential competencies for building welfare, progressive and social democratic Pakistan.
“He further said that according to the census reports less than 25 year persons constitute 63% of Pakistan and these youth have to play vital role for progressive and social democratic Pakistan, however youth needs to be prepared for their role in future. Many so called intellectuals and main stream political parties included the role of youth in their party manifesto’s and also raised some hollow slogans in favor of youth but practically as well in reality it was just hopeless and immaturity just for the sake of votes.

“Pakistan is facing social, political and economic crisis since 63 years from very beginning of its independence. Such crisis has further produced poverty, hunger, illiteracy, disease and terrorism. This all is contributing to increase the vulnerability of Pakistani youth. Today, Pakistani youth is actually in crisis of their identity. Therefore it is responsibility of cognizant and conscious youth to play their role and provide leadership to common youth for peaceful and democratic Pakistan through strengthening the democratic institutions and social democracy in Pakistan.”
In my point of view youth is precious asset of Pakistan and they are misguided in all respects. The problem in Pakistan is that the youth are being made to waste their energies on unimportant things. Some so called youth actively promote military and religious parties in the social media, and they are very active. This is occurring because of a brainwashing being done by the evil culprits on society who are using the youth as a weapon against the youth, promoting material for hatred to brainwash other youth to unite against democratic and peaceful ideals.
If we want a cherished goal of a progressive and modern Pakistan it can be achieved by harnessing true potential of the youth as they are the future of the country they have to come forward and play their due role towards nation’s sustainability.

Syed Amer Azizi socio-political activist and founding member of Progressive Youth Forum says, “PYF emphasize in establishing links with left wing political parties and civil society which struggles for same ideology. Its solid intervention enhances the leadership quality of youth in decision making processes and brings political activism among them.
“PYF believes that it is the mouth piece of nation who raise their voices against the violation of civil and political rights (particularly, military dictatorship) in Pakistan and promote the democracy including all pro-people social and political movements
Syed Moeed a young student activist who believes in social democracy says, “The problem of our youth is facing at present is frustration. This thing is eating up our youth slowly and gradually. The youth in Pakistan don’t have jobs, means of healthy entertainment, health resources and awareness. This is the right time to look into the problems of youth and give them viable solutions otherwise it will be too late in the day.
Sidra Saeed General Secretary Progressive Youth Forum says, “Our basic aim is to create a social democratic state in which we are focusing more on that how we can promote young women and men leadership.  We want that progressive youth should be consulted in decision making process at national level in any case and situation. For this we arrange different political dialogues, study circles and political trainings to make this youth aware of their constitutional, political, social, economic and cultural rights. These are the baby steps which we are doing from last three years just to make a sensitized youth in our society.

Secondly from the platform of PYF 2 youth members contested General Elections 2013 and got excellent votes and that’s a major achievement for us. At last I want to say to the government and its institutions that know the time has come, be aware as we are coming.


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