Thursday 3 October 2013

Business community asked to sacrifice for the sake of future generations

Operations, anti-terror laws short-term resolution to the problem: Jahangir Akhtar
Lawlessness can be controlled by eradication of reason behind it

Islamabad: Dated: October 03

Terrorism and lawlessness cannot be contained by administrative measures. Eradication of terror is linked to overcoming the reasons behind it, a social worker said on Thursday.

Social and political worker Jahangir Akhtar said that civil society and business community should also play their due role to safeguard their interests and that of future generations as government alone cannot combat terror effectively.

Speaking at a press conference, he said that a reason behind increasing anarchy has been identified as population explosion which is adding two million youth to the job market annually with no opportunities.

Jahangir Akhtar said that these youth fall prey to crimes, terrorism, flesh trade, other anti-social practices and in some cases suicides as the government lack resources to provide jobs to tens of millions of unemployed.

He added that if business community agree to pay 10 per cent of additional tax for purpose of education, the situation can take a positive turn.

Building his case, he said that the FBR will only collect the money while the education department would prepare plan while the whole execution process would be completed under the supervision of business chambers and trade association.

Such a move will help establish quality educational institutions across the country providing good schooling as well as technical skills to youth who would be able to earn a respectable living.

Moreover, the veteran social worker said, Pakistan would be able to export surplus manpower to boost its forex reserves through remittances.

He said that he would push for legislation if business community approves of his plans which will help youth do away with negative tendencies.

“If business community didn’t paid heed to my suggestions, I will start hunger strike for indefinite period from October 28th during which I will only use water,” he warned.


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