Tuesday 17 September 2013

IACC participates in an International Delegation to the Arab International Forum Against US Aggression on Syria in Beirut

IACC participates in an International Delegation to the Arab International Forum Against US Aggression on Syria in Beirut
An International Delegation led by Mr. Ramsey Clark, President, IACC and Founder, International Action Centre will attend the Arab International Forum Against US Aggression on Syria organised by the Arab International Centre for Communication and Solidarity (AICCS) in Beirut on 16 September. 

The Delegation includes IACC Secretariat member Sara Flounders who would represent the International Anti-imperialist Coordinating Committee (IACC) in the Forum in Beirut. 

The Forum is being held in the context of the threat of US aggression on Syria and will discuss the Arab and international response to it and will adopt appropriate resolutions and recommendations. Immediately following the Beirut Forum Ramsey Clark will lead a small solidarity delegation to Syria, which would include in addition to Sara Flounders, former US Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney, John Parker, West Coast Coordinator of International Action Centre, and Dedon Kamathi of All African People's Revolutionary Party of USA. The Delegation will convey the solidarity of the anti-imperialist fighters of the world to the Syrian prople who are living under the threat of attack by the US-led imperialist powers.


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