Monday 30 September 2013

People of Punjab donate generously for Baloch brethren

Militants asked not to hinder earthquake relief operations
Temporary ceasefire to let rescuers serve the humanity

Dated: Sept 29

The Punjab Forum on Sunday asked separatists of Balochistan to consider a temporary ceasefire so that relief operation could be continued to help the suffering humanity that is in bad need of quick aid delivery.

Attacks on aid workers and government functionaries have badly hit the relief activities striking terror in the hearts of aid workers including compelling them to leave the affected area, said Baig Raj, President Punjab Forum while speaking to reporters at a relief camp.

Over 515 have already been killed with much more injured; human sufferings would multiply in the poorest district of the neglected Balochistan in an environment of fear which will also keep foreign rescuers at bay, he said.  

Militancy has triggered an aid crisis while lack of coordination among different agencies is resulting in wastage. Red Cross and some other foreign organizations may not prefer to work there while the UN agencies can serve but exposure to attacks will limit their will and ability, he observed.

Baig Raj said that there is no shortage of agencies that can happily provide quick and relevant aid and relief but security situation is making matters worse while poor are the ultimate sufferers.

He quoted Provincial Coordinator of Punjab Forum Farhan Bugti as saying that a recent clash between FC and separatists expedited exodus of aid workers from Awaran.

The President of Punjab Forum said that separatists have been doing a disservice to masses by obstructing emergency disaster relief.

He said that continued clash will result in human catastrophe for which government and militant would be responsible.

Baig Raj asked the government to make a detailed plan, identify safe corridors for delivery and try to convince rebel groups to bury differences during the relief and rehab operations.

People of Punjab have been donating generously for Baloch brethren, he said, adding that FC should leave the area after completion of relief operations so that separatists find no excuse for terrorism.


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