Thursday 7 March 2013

NAB asked to discourage trend of misusing aid, donations


*Disorder in charity endangers future of students *

*NAB asked to discourage trend of misusing aid, donations*

*[March 06]*

The Pakistan Economy Watch (PEW) on Wednesday said chaos in a well-known charity has put future of hundreds of students at stake.

Mismanagement and malpractices in a trust has raised concerns among parents of around fifteen hundred students getting education in the schools run by the trust, it said.

The health projects initiated by the trust are also being ignored owing to struggle in the charity, parents of the students told Abdullah Tariq, SVP, Pakistan Economy Watch.

The Chairman of Al Marifah Trust, Dr Sajjad ur Rehman has removed Managing Trustee and other two trustees. He also terminated administrator and other employees of the trust on charges of fraudulent activities, the parents told PEW.

The Chairman has also initiated legal proceedings against the trustees and the administrator, they added.

The trust has been running WISE schools and colleges where thousands of students are studying where the attention of administration has been diverted to politics.

Parents said that they are deeply concerned by reports of malpractices and misdirection which is damaging studies hence future of their children.

They called upon the concerned authorities to take note of the situation and order an external audit to ascertain as to who benefitted from donations worth millions of rupees attracted by the trust from unsuspecting donors.

NAB should discourage involvement of NGOs in the improper and dishonest use of funds with little to deliver, Abdullah Tariq demanded.

Abdullah Tariq,
SVP, Pakistan Economy Watch.


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