Thursday 28 March 2013

Punjab suffered for three years due to political distribution of gas


Caretaker Govt asked to ensure fair distribution of gas
Govt must choose between interests of masses, elite
Punjab suffered for three years due to political distribution of gas
7-day gas supply to Pubjab to consume only one pc of national gas output
APCNGA ready to help resolve energy crisis

Dated March 28
The All Pakistan CNG Association (APCNGA) on Thursday demanded 7-day gas supply to the Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) filling stations all over Punjab as weather has returned to normal state reducing demand for the natural gas by domestic consumers.

Restoration of gas supply in Punjab would result in extra consumption of only 15 mmcfd gas per day while seven-day supply will result in additional consumption of around 60 mmcf only, said Chairman of the Supreme Council APCNGA Ghiyas Abdullah Paracha.

In a statement issued here today, he said that ending gas load shedding for CNG sector in Punjab would consume mere one per cent of the total national gas output while it will benefit millions, guarantee thousands of jobs, contain inflation and reduce pressure on foreign exchange reserves.

Caretaker government should revisit load shedding schedule to provide relief to masses who have braved unprecedented gas load shedding in Punjab all the way through last three years that took toll on daily life, economy and the foreign exchange reserves, he added.

Paracha said that in past policies were framed disregarding the interests of masses including 80 million commuters who use public transport.

He said that CNG sector is getting three-day gas supply in Punjab during which sixteen hours load shedding takes toll on the business and add to miseries of the masses. Officially, Punjab is getting gas for three days while it is equal to one-day supply due to the load shedding, he added.

CNG and urea sectors having no alternate for gas were being strangulated while some influential were provided extra gas despite ban and gas prices were frequently reduced for them, said Paracha.

Government must take steps to rescue the CNG sector and ensure smooth sailing, especially in Punjab otherwise this sector with Rs 400 billion investments will crumble due to unfavourable environment, he said.

The leader of the CNG sector said that Punjab remained exposed to unjust load shedding as compare to any other province for political reasons; now we hope that caretaker government will maintain proper and just equilibrium.

Time has come for the authorities to choose between interests of elite and masses.


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