Monday 18 March 2013

PESA Statement


*Rawalpindi: [March 16]*

The Pakistan Ex-Servicemen Association (PESA) on Saturday appreciated the independence and courage shown by the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP).

It lauded the support extended by the Supreme Court to the ECP saying that real test of the Chief Election Commissioner will be implementation of the Constitutional conditions and weeding out individuals with tainted past.

Speaking at a meeting, the PESA members hoped that interim government will take appropriate steps to enforce electoral reforms ordered by the Supreme Court and assist the ECP in proper scrutiny of the candidates.

They said that Musharraf, openly violated the Constitution, should be free to return home but at the same time he should face the cases that are registered against him.

Musharraf caused great embarrassment and humiliation through his misadventures like Kargil and Lal Masjid operations and tragedies of Mohtrama Benazir Bhutto and Nawab Akbar Bugti, they added.

The former military ruler brought the war on terror inside Pakistan while the Indus Water  Treaty was mishandled during his era which can turn Punjab into a desert, they said.

They expressed anguish and sorrow at the inhuman destruction of Joseph Colony at Lahore terming it lowest form of governance.

Mass killings of Hazaras amount to ethnic genocide while inaction against the culprits and cash awards to the affected people cannot wash the humiliation in the international community, they added.

Religious leaders should spread the principles of human values, equality and freedom.

PESA office bearers expressed concern over the on-going anti-Army campaign aiming to destroy integrity and strength of the force that is defending country’s geographical and ideological frontiers.

Despite this campaign, the masses retain their total faith in the Armed Forces, it was observed in the meeting.


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