Tuesday 13 August 2013

Govt’s Balochistan policy encouraging terrorism

BLA accepts responsibility of attacks but case registered against unidentified people
Security forces should not be demoralised in the name of missing people

Dated: August 11
The Punjab Forum on Sunday said Balochistan policy of the government has been encouraging the terrorists and disheartening patriot elements.

It called for an end to demoralise security institutions on the pretext of missing people.

Speaking at a ceremony titled, “Blood-soaked Eid” President of the Punjab Forum Baig Raj said that government has been encouraging separatist terrorist through their flawed policies.

He said that time has come to act against terrorists through a massive and merciless military crackdown across Balochistan to protect life and property of innocent masses.

Had the government taken a firm stand against terrorists the situation would have come under control, he said.

Baig Raj said that terrorists were openly challenging government’s writ while central and provincial government continue to push for talks which has surged terrorism.
Masses has started believing that terrorist groups are less likely to be found in nondemocratic settings than in democratic ones, he said adding that the remarks by courts has demoralised the defenders of the state.

He observed that those who have made Balochistan a hell for settlers, minorities and security forces will soon commit heinous crimes in Lahore.

Murder of Punjabi labourers and police officials inside the police headquarters is ample proof of the morale, cruelty and reach of the terrorists who deserve no sympathy, he said.

The President of Punjab Forum said that BLA would accept responsibility of terrorism related incidents but FIR would be registered against unidentified people which amounts to playing with the integrity and sovereignty of the country.

Government should not allow a handful of terrorists to bring a bad name to majority of patriot Baloch people; he said adding that negotiations with terrorists are nothing but self-deception which has laid the ground for more bloodbaths.

Any delay in destroying the terror infrastructure in Balochistan will have very far-reaching negative consequences for the federation as only condemnation has remained counterproductive, he warned.

Calling for a sustained action, he said that it would be deadly for the public and country if operations against militants were not undertaken immediately to be lasted until all the terrorists are wiped out.
It is the responsibility of those who were elected by the masses to provide security to the people of Pakistan living under severe uncertainty, he said.


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