Monday 5 August 2013

Press Release on Home Based Workers and Punjab Local Government Bill 2013

Press Release on Home Based Workers and Punjab Local Government Bill 2013

Press Release: 2 August 2013 Based on the Provincial Policy on Home Based Workers as approved by the Cabinet on 11 March 2013, The Punjab government assured involvement of district government and local bodies to implement the aims and objectives of the HBWs policy in a participatory and transparent manner.  It is further highlighted in the policy document that the implementing agencies for this policy shall work under the mandate of Government of the Punjab in close collaboration with the District Governments and local bodies guided by the Provincial plan of action.

The Constitution under the Article 140-A state  that  “Each Province shall, by law, establish a local government system and devolve political, administrative and financial responsibility and authority to the elected representatives of the local governments.”

Referring to the Concluding observations on the fourth periodic report of Pakistan adopted by the CEDAW Committee at its fifty fourth session (11 February – 1 March 2013)….” Ensure that the local government system is restored, that the 33% reserved seats for women are retained and that women from religious minorities are represented in such a system….”

We on behalf of the 1275022 million (41.9%) Urban and 6,052057 million (70.5%) Rural home based workers of Punjab Home Net Pakistan along with other member organization demand:
·         Self-governed, Autonomous, elected and representative local governments as an important tier of the Provincial government ensuring community participation across all sectors.
·         The 33% reservation of seats for women at all tiers of local government
·         Elections to be held on party basis ensuring the democratic process and giving voice to the local level party representatives.
·         A quota for women in the reserved seats for farmers, workers and non-Muslims is provided; and HBWs to be included in this quota giving them representation at the Union council level.
·         All reserved seats are directly elected on the basis of joint electorate
·         Where there is provision for 33% representation of women in ancillary bodies/committees; HBWs representation should be ensured.
·         There should be no rural-urban divide in the application of local governments and union council with village council/peri urban settlement below it should be considered the primary tier while tehsil and district council should be upper tiers of local governments.

 Musalihati Anjumans, neighborhood councils, citizens’ community boards and other sub-structures at UC, tehsil and district level must be set-up through principles of parity, equality  ensuring representation form HBWs and labour Unions


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