Tuesday 27 August 2013

World heading towards ultra-fast 5G networks while Pakistan still unclear about 3G

Interned speed linked to pace of national development: Farida Rashid
Steps for smartphone manufacturing in Pakistan, waiver of import duties demanded

Islamabad: August 27

The Islamabad Women's Chamber of Commerce and Industry (IWCCI) on Tuesday asked the government to take steps for rapid introduction of digital wisdom and computer-aided intelligence in Pakistan by auctioning 3G licence.

Mobile phones are no more a basic communication tool but a device to change lives therefore foreign investors should be invited to set up smartphone manufacturing facilities in Pakistan and meanwhile all taxes and duties on imports should be abandoned to provide new opportunities to masses, it said.

World is heading towards ultra-fast 5G networks, 100 times faster than 4G, but Pakistan is yet to introduce of 3G technology which is frustrating, said Farida Rashid, President IWCCI.

She said that Interned download speed is directly linked to the pace of national development which must be realised at policy level.

Farida Rashid informed that currently 200 telecom operators across 75 countries are providing 4G mobile network services which are three times faster than 3G. Another 200 operators are in process of upgrading their networks to provide over 100 MB speed on mobile phones.

Estimates suggest that by 2018 half of the world’s population would be connected through 4G networks which is still a dream for people in Pakistan.

5G networks would be commercially available within few years changing the way we think and operate, it would be beginning of a new era where language and culture would be not a barrier therefore government should take steps ensuring that we don’t miss the boat, she demanded.

Farida Rashid said that we cannot ignore closely-connected digital world, driven by the mobile internet, smart devices and social networks which improves wisdom, human capabilities and business efficiency.

The next wave of digital onslaught will bring greater wonders and make our work and lives more efficient, intelligent and convenient and offer new possibilities for mankind.


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